
Anatomy of a Transmission: Oil Flow in the Pump-PR-Converter-Cooler Lube Circuits

Gregg Nader



Well, it's the same in a transmission, only the tune goes, "The pump's connected to the PR valve, the PR valve's connected to the torque converter, the torque converter's connected to the cooler, the cooler's connected to the lubrication circuit..." It's not quite as catchy as the nursery rhyme, but...

Understanding the connection between transmission components is critical when building a healthy unit or diagnosing a problem one.

Figure 1
The pump/pressure regulator valve and converter charge/lube oil follow in sequence and are connected in series. A change in any one of these areas has a direct consequence in others.

泵/压力调节阀和转换器充电/润滑油按顺序遵循,并串联连接(Figure 1)。这些领域中的任何一个的变化都在其他领域的直接后果。在这里,我们将挖掘这些系统的连接方式以及改进的Sonnax部件如何将该系列拆分。

压力调节器(PR)阀是本系列的中央播放器。液压泵能够产生巨大的油压。PR阀将压力限制或调节至变速箱中常见的50-250 psi范围。调节管路压力范围由PR阀两端的弹簧和油压力组合确定。通常,PR弹簧和增压阀将PR阀朝一个方向推,平衡压力与另一方向的压力相反或推动阀门进入调节位置。启动时,当阀门平衡区域上有足够的油压以克服弹簧(通常是增压阀)力时,PR移动到其调节位置。一旦泵产生足够的管路压力,将压力调节阀移动到其调节位置,PR阀将多余的泵体积引导到排气或返回泵的进/吸入侧。

Regulated line pressure is the amount of balance oil pressure required to move the PR valve against opposing forces and into its regulating position. This is true whether the PR is a simple valve with spring and boost valve or a more complex type with multiple reaction and balance areas at both ends of the valve. Here we will refer to the PR as being "in balance" when there is enough pressure to keep the PR valve in its regulating position. We will refer to it as "out of balance" when there is not enough oil pressure to keep the PR valve in its regulating position.


In many transmissions, the PR valve has another, less-understood function. The main line pressure regulator valve also controls the volume of oil that is fed to the torque converter: This, in turn, has a direct effect on converter release/fill pressure, cooling, lubrication and, in some cases, TCC apply pressure. In controlling converter feed, the PR valve is a type of priority valve. That is, it gives more priority to line pressure and less priority to converter/lube pressure. While there are some units which are exceptions to this, the majority of common transmissions have either the converter fed directly from the PR valve, or the flow to the converter controlled by the PR valve.

Figure 2
“正常”的公关阀门调节姿势n, what we will refer to here as "in balance." In this position, the converter charge/lube oil is not restricted, and excess pump volume is redirected to the suction side of the pump.

Figure 3

Figures 23.说明一个简单的主管道压力调节阀,位于两个位置:平衡h converter feed open (Figure 2)与转换器饲料限制(Figure 3)。Regardless of the valve configuration, the concept of in balance and out of balance applies to all types of main line pressure regulators that control converter charge. The key to remember is that for the PR valve to remain in balance (with the converter circuit open), the forces at both ends of the valve must be near equal. If the PR valve stays out of balance for extended amounts of time, converter/lube oil will be restricted.


An example of how the PR valve controls converter/lube oil can be seen in the graph (Figure 4) showing line pressure and cooler flow during a shift.

一件事我们都看到,而压力测试是在移动时轻微针尖或瞬间压降。如果你看线压力同时冷流,当管路压力drops, you will see a corresponding change in cooler flow. This is because the pressure drop makes it all the way back to the balance end of the PR valve, and the forces at the other end of the PR valve overcome the reduced balance/line oil pressure and the PR valve moves out of balance. This restricts converter charge and the oil being re-circulated to the intake side of the pump. Converter charge is restricted, and priority is given to line pressure until it returns to the level that is sufficient to move the PR valve back to its in-balance regulating position. When everything is healthy and normal, this happens in an instant and is the way the system is supposed to work. Problems begin when the PR valve stays out of balance for extended periods of time.


  • RWD Chrysler/E4OD and others, too strong a PR spring or over-adjusted.
  • 4L80-E等,增压阀磨损,交叉泄漏,导致反向管路压力过高。
  • Any unit in fail safe with max EPC boost pressures.
  • 4L80-E.那with too low idle and high EPC amps.


  • 400/200C, worn PR bore.
  • CD4E,PR孔磨损。
  • 4L80-E.那PR end plug leak.
  • Any unit with weak/worn pump or excessive internal leaks.
Figure 5 Figure 6

The priority valve characteristic means that if the PR valve is near that critical balance threshold, converter charge and lube oil are restricted. In effect, it's choking off the oil flow, ultimately leading to converter overheating, TCC slip or lube failure in the transmission.

Problems at either end of the PR valve can put it out of balance. One end of the PR valve can have too much spring or boost pressure, putting extra load on the pump (Figure 5)。

At the other end, there may not be enough balance pressure due to leaks or a weak pump (Figure 6)。



The SonnaFlow®diagnostic tester (FM-01KA)是一个有效的工具,用于验证冷却器/润滑流量,以及整个系列泵、PR阀、变矩器、冷却器和润滑的整体健康状况。

I know you have seen the results - another set of melted planets, that mysterious black ring on the front of the converter, or the converter paint burned and peeling off. Or, how about the commercial unit that spends a lot of time idling in gear? Usually the most demanding time for a pump is hot, at idle (when RPMs are lower), in reverse when the desired pressure is higher. At this point, relative load on the pump is at its highest and the PR valve is often out of balance. Converter release/fill oil flowing through the converter is required to keep the TCC piston away from the front cover. An out-of-balance PR valve means little or no flow inside the converter, allowing the TCC piston to drag against the front cover leading to idle surging, engine stall or glazed TCC friction material. Once glazed or overheated, the friction lining's ability to hold against engine torque is reduced.

如果在负载下的空转或160 psi下,特定管路压力的低60 psi是否与泵维持该管线压力的能力并保持在其调节位置平衡的能力不如泵的能力那么重要。虽然这适用于叶片和齿轮式泵,但叶片式泵是可变的位移,并且可以增加其体积以保持线压力。Gerotor或Gear-and-Crescent型泵,更为关注,因为它们是固定位移,并且以低RPM和怠速具有较低的输出。

泵能够保持所需的线路压力并保持PR阀的平衡也具有变量。您可以进行良好的泵,但在传动装置内的其他油路中泄漏将消耗油泵体积,并降低泵的产生压力的能力。另一方面,没有内部泄漏加上磨损或低效泵将表现出相同的问题保持线压力。根据空气压缩机体积/ CFM和空气工具思考。压缩机保持压力的能力与您同时运行的空气工具有关。太多的空气工具和压缩机将没有足够的CFM(体积)以保持​​压力,并且气压将下降到其正常范围以下。

Figure 7
Here the PR valve is in the "out of balance" position, however with the Sonnax line-to-lube valve, oil continues to flow into the converter charge/lube circuit through the internal passage inside the valve. Drain back is prevented with an internal check valve.
Sonnax Part No.22771A-02K
Sonnax Part No.36424-04K.
Sonnax Part No.3.4200-14K
GM 4L80-E
Sonnax Part No.98892-04K
Honda/Acura 4/5 Speed

Due to fuel efficiency concerns, the typical transmission pump does not have much reserve capacity. Pump volume is needed to maintain pressure: Pressure is needed to keep the PR valve in balance. Internal leaks throughout the transmission waste pump volume. All those little leaks which build up over time end up consuming available pump volume and reducing the pump's ability to build/maintain line pressure, keeping the PR valve in balance. Some approaches attempt to compensate for wear by recalibrating with springs and enlarging orifices with drill bits, etc. This is only a temporary fix and does not address the root causes of wear or compensate for continued internal leakage. As you look through the Sonnax transmission parts catalog, you will see the majority of the parts reduce internal leakage. All the O-ringed sleeves and end plugs, valve bore repairs, oversized valves and precision bushings work in concert to minimize internal oil leaks. This not only alleviates symptoms related to the part, but also has the advantage of conserving pump volume.


To line-to-lube or not to line-to-lube, that is the question! Line-to-lube modification is adding an oil path between the line pressure and converter feed circuits, kind of bypassing the PR valve, so even if the PR valve is out of balance, there is always an oil path for oil to enter the converter feed circuit. So why don’t manufacturers build line-to-lube into the transmission? In fact, many do! On the4L60-E型在PR vall vallan陆地上它很少平坦。其他一些单位通过设计的孔口或垫圈中的槽喂养。你能钻你自己的线路通道吗?是的,但结果漏洞往往太大,允许太多的油转换器,导致对加压,转换器溢出和客户投诉。所示的专利Sonnax PR阀门Figure 7具有内部线路 - 润滑剂通道,还采用防水阀,防止当车辆关闭时的转换器漏斗。

转换器中心/泵衬套值得特别关注。过度转换器衬套间隙导致泵噪声,磨损和泵效率降低。除了支撑笨重转换器的一端并将内部泵齿轮保持在中心,轮毂/泵衬套有助于防止转换器油压出血,并通过前密封漏极孔排出。这是一个常见的问题AXODEAX4N.和Chrysler units.

Figure 8示出了具有泵的典型变矩器的横截面,并表示路径转换器油可以通过泵衬套从转bob游戏怎么下载换器内部耗尽以排出。过量的转换器油流过转换器轮毂衬套有助于前密封泄漏,并允许转换器油压直接排气。这可以降低转换器/润滑油压力,在某些情况下,TCC施加压力。

这是一些制造商已经移动到内泵齿轮和转换器毂之间的密封(4R44E型和others), or between the stator tube and inside of the converter hub (48RE)。这些功能有助于将泵油保留在转换器中的泵和转换器油中。作为一例的超额清关如何让我们陷入困境,考虑一个2“直径转换器集线器,具有额外的.003”轮毂到衬套间隙。额外的.003“间隙的面积与.100”孔具有基本相同的区域,允许转换器压力出血以排气。虽然这个例子有其他因素需要考虑,但是.100“孔是很多泄漏来克服。

When dealing with any transmission, keep in mind the connection between the components discussed here and how checking cooler flow gives insight not just to the cooler and lube, but the whole series all the way back to the PR valve and pump. When checking parts and clearances, this knowledge will help you understand the combined effect can be when things loosen up and allow internal leakage.

参见Sonnax零件that correct transmission problems which are to blame for a variety of torque converter complaints! Many transmission parts also can prevent damage to newly installed converters, making them key components in a quality rebuild.

Gregg Nader is a member of theTascForce®.(Technical Automotive Specialties Committee), a group of recognized industry technical specialists, transmission rebuilders and Sonnax Industries Inc. technicians.

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