多年来,Allison 1000/2000/2400阀体有四个版本。本文写入了帮助识别每个版本。前两个版本是5速,最后两个是6速阀体。这些信息将解释在一起工作的铸造号码和分离板组合。
2001–2003 (5-Speed)
- Upper casting #29536838 (smaller section)
- 下铸造#29536840(较大的部分)
- 垫片板#7440
- 标识符:该阀体有六个螺线管,底部有一个管,两个部分(图1和2).
图1 |
图2 |
2004–2005 (5-Speed)
- 上部铸造#29539798,我们也见过29541592(较小的部分)
- Lower casting #29539802 (larger section)
- 垫片板#9793
- 调制的主压力外壳铸造#29539796(螺栓到下部的最小部分并容纳螺线管G)。'04 -'05的外壳没有用于第二管的孔,也没有使用第二管(图3.).
- Identifiers:This valve body has an additional small section with a seventh solenoid. The additional solenoid is designated as solenoid G, and is used to reduce line pressure at idle and during light throttle cruising speeds (图4.).
图3. |
图4. |
调制主压力壳体,带有管的孔配合'04-05 5速传动。 |
- Upper casting #29542971 (smaller section)
- 较低铸造#29543340(较大的部分)
- Spacer plate stamping #2962, the GM part number is 29542962
- Modulated main pressure housing casting #29539796. This is the smallest section that the G solenoid fits into and has a hole in the corner for the tube (Figure 5).
- Identifiers:The 5-speed valve bodies always had a reverse tube on the bottom of the valve body. The 6-speed has an additional tube from the modulating main pressure housing to the lower casting (图5.). The 6-speed also has a different TCC solenoid with a red plastic electrical connector and different PCS-1 and PCS-2 solenoids.
- ‘06-‘09 Internal harness GM part number is 29543334
如您所要注意的,用于“04-”05 5速度的调制主压力外壳的铸造号就是“06-”09 6速度的铸造号码相同。我可以在外壳之间看到的唯一区别是'06 -'09 6速度版本有管的孔,5速度没有。
图5. |
This valve body was totally redesigned for 2010 and will not interchange with any previous years.
- 完全可变调制的主压力是2010年的一个新功能。
- The castings were redesigned to accept new valves and feature new worm tracks.
- Shift valves SV1, SV2 and SV3 and the control main valve were redesigned.
- The PCS1 and PCS2 valves, solenoids and solenoid brackets were redesigned.
- 上半身铸造#29550905
- 下半身铸造#29550908
- 分离器板是红色的igned and the new part number is 29545980. The plate is stamped with the last four digits of the part number, “5980.”
- SS1,SS2和SS3螺线管均以数字6833蚀刻。
- PCS-1 and MMS solenoids both have a black plastic electrical connector and the number 29541895 on the side of the solenoid can.
- PCS-2 solenoid has a brown plastic electrical connector and the number 29541896 on the side of the solenoid can.
- TCC solenoid has a red electrical connector and the number 29541898 on the side of the solenoid can
- 内部线束已更改,GM部件号为29545308。
- Identifiers:阀体底部没有管子。不再存在调制的主压力外壳,并且已经消除了螺线管G.螺线管G被主要调制器螺线管代替,这是PWM螺线管(Figures 6 and 7).
图6. |
图7. |
At a Glance
要快速识别您拥有的Allison 1000/2000/2400阀门体的哪个版本:
- ‘01-‘03: 5-speed, one tube on the bottom and six solenoids
- ‘04-‘05: 5-speed, one tube on the bottom and seven solenoids
- '06 -'09:6速,底部有两个管
- ‘10-‘15: 6-speed, no tubes on the bottom
Common Valve Body Problems
- The most common problem with the ‘01-‘09 Allison 1000/2000/2400 valve bodies is the sticking E-shift valve, or as it is called on the ‘06-‘09 6-speeds, shift valve 3. On the inboard end of the bore, the bore becomes damaged and causes the valve to stick. When this valve sticks — even for a split second — the TCM sees that the pressure switch does not change state, it sets trouble code P0872 and the传播进入故障安全。疯狂的一部分是阀门可以是一分钟的免费,并粘着下一个。现在有一个超大的阀门和铰刀套件来解决这个问题,以便它不会再粘在一起。新型超大型E型换档阀将以5速和'06 -'09 6速度工作。
- The second most common problem is the F-trim valve sleeve. The inside diameter of the sleeve wears, causing TCC surge, TCC slip and trouble code P0741 – TCC slip. When lockup stops working and the P0741 code sets, the torque converter can overheat the transmission fluid, causing damage to the torque converter and rapid deterioration of the transmission fluid. The F-trim valve sleeve is only used from ‘02-‘04.
- The third most common problem is warped castings. These valve bodies do not use separator plate gaskets, except for the ‘10-later, so it is imperative that the two valve body halves be flat sanded to avoid cross leaks. The dowel pins will need to be removed to flat sand this valve body. The dowel pins can easily be removed if you have a vise and a rubber mallet. Gently snug up the vice on the dowel pin (图8.). This will take a little trial and error to learn how tight to tighten the vice. Then use a rubber mallet to tap on the valve body to separate the valve body from the dowel pin (图9.). Don’t forget to hang on to the valve body!
图8. |
图9. |
'10 -later 6速度一直保持良好。目前,这种新设计没有常见问题。
Jeff Parlee is the Sonnax remanufactured valve body product support manager and member of the
Sonnax Tasc力量(技术汽车专业委员会),一批认可的行业技术专家,传输Rebuilders和Sonnax Industries Inc.技术人员。