January 14, 2014
In ZF6HP21/28/34 (Generation 2) units, the variable force solenoids control clutch apply/release, torque converter clutch apply/release and line pressure. The solenoid pressure regulator valve insures proper flow volume and pressure to the solenoids during hot conditions and low pressure operation. Low feed pressure at idle can create delayed engagement or wrong gear starts. This valve also limits the maximum pressure to all the solenoids. Excessive solenoid feed pressure can flood the solenoids causing gear ratio codes, harsh up/down shifts and excessive line pressure. Sonnax oversized solenoid pressure regulator valve kit 95740-64K restores proper solenoid function.
• Kit fits either M-shift or E-shift valve bodies
• Valve is hardcoat anodized to reduce wear
• Matching spring reproduces OE function with the oversized valve
Kit is NOT compatible with ZF6HP19/26/32 (Gen.1) units. To differentiate between Gen. 1 and Gen. 2 valve bodies, seeZF Identification Guide.
F-95740-TL17 can also be used to install ZF6HP21/28/34 (Gen. 1) Sonnax oversized solenoid pressure regulator valve kit95740-17K.
Sonnax valve body layouts provide a detailed overview of individual units making it quick and easy to determine what’s available for the specific valve body you’re working on.看到所有Sonnax阀体outs.
January 14, 2014
March 23, 2016
Bob Warnke
December 21, 2012
September 30, 2005
Gregg Nader
October 08, 2020
Maura Stafford
Vacuum tests at the ports indicated fail to hold the recommended minimum in-Hg.