



The first thing that you need to know is the type of lockup system you are working with. The lockup configuration will either be a conventional system with single or multiple clutches, or a clutch pack system such as those found in the722.6 MercedesJATCO RE5R05Aconverters. The 722.6 Mercedes converter was covered in theMay2010年6月传输摘要, and the Jatco RE5R05A was covered in the2011年10月传输摘要。This article will focus on the conventional clutch setup. TCC Diagnostic Flow Charts summarizes the trouble shooting process outlined in this article and includes an easy-to-follow layout of diagnostic tests and follow-up procedures.

Gathering Information


The first set of questions should be used to better understand the customer's complaint. Which of these lockup problems are you dealing with?

  1. 没有lockup?
  2. Lockup applying when it is not commanded?
  3. A lockup drivability issue (slipping, harsh apply, shudder)?


  1. 如果投诉没有锁定,则需要询问是否有时间有锁定。例如,在车辆升温之前,您是否有锁定,或者您有锁定,直到您驱动一定数量的里程?如果发生这种情况,你也希望询问是否有其他任何时候发生锁定,例如米隆或一些明显的电气故障。
  2. If the complaint is lockup applying when not commanded, you need to ask if the lockup is: causing the engine to stall, just dragging down the RPM or just causing the converter to overheat? You also will need to ask when the lockup issue is happening: only in reverse, only in a specific gear, only after traveling a certain number of miles?

Those last few questions may seem odd at first; gear selection may not appear to have an effect on torque converter function. It is important to remember that line pressure is higher in reverse, though. As the pressure regulator valve is being stroked toward the high pressure position, it also may be limiting the flow of charge/TCC release oil. This condition was very obvious in the earlyE4od.,这只将发动机反转失去。可以在200-4r中看到特定于齿轮特异性问题的一个例子;锁定将在1-2档位和锁定后立即发生,直到车辆向下播放到第一档。有缺陷的螺线管导致不需要的锁定,并且在1-2档后立即发生,因为施动TCC控制阀的信号油也是第二离合器油(图1)。

在今天的大部分传输和几种复古传输中,计量线压力用于信号油。当螺线管在这些变速器中有缺陷时,当移位器移动到任何驱动范围时,车辆将失速发动机 - 包括反向。许多技术人员将从GM 125C的早期记住这一点。


For any of the three customer complaint categories, it is important to ask if any work was done to the vehicle immediately prior to noticing the issue. Was the传播serviced, was the transmission overhauled or was something as simple as a brake job or tire rotation done?


当您对锁定转换器进行故障排除时,请将其视为单向阀门。如果您的诊断背景是电气,请将其视为二极管:流体或电流在一个方向上自由流动。这种自由电量/ TCC释放油流出输入/涡轮轴,在TCC活塞和盖子之间行进,通过活塞的外径并排出转换器。一旦走出转换器,油就通过了冷却器并重新进入变速器作为润滑油。当TCC控制阀冲程到施加位置时,转换器内的流程颠倒,直到TCC活塞被向前推动以接触盖子。当发生锁止时,活塞本身会阻止流量。以前用于退出转换器的通道现在用于电荷/ TCC施加油,同时通过输入/涡轮轴的通道现在开放排气。如果转换器已满,只要释放油打开以排气即使没有施加油进入转换器即使进入转换器即可开始才能开始涂抹。这是因为转换器内的正常工作压力总是试图将TCC活塞推向盖子。


无锁定条件是最容易诊断的。您需要做的第一件事是验证液压功能。这是一个轻松的任务,借助像Sonnax这样的流量计SonnaFlow®。If the system is working correctly, you will see a change or interruption of the flow as the TCC control valve strokes from the TCC release position to the TCC apply position.


The next step is to see if the problem is inside or outside the converter. This can be achieved by blocking the TCC control valve in the TCC apply position. If the engine stalls when the shifter is moved to any drive range, you know that the converter is working properly and the problem is outside the converter. On the other hand, do not jump to the conclusion that the problem is inside the converter if the engine does not stall when the shifter is placed in one of the drive ranges. Keep in mind that there may be a leak in the TCC apply circuit at any point between the TCC control valve and the converter. The seal on the input/turbine shaft may be damaged or missing. The sealing rings on the stator end of the input/turbine shaft or the bushings between the input shaft and stator themselves may be an issue.


When the lockup is applying when it should not be, the diagnostic process is more difficult. Besides a few mechanical issues, there are only two possible reasons that this is happening, but there are many scenarios for each reason. To break it down, if you are getting an unwanted lockup apply, there either is not enough TCC release oil passing between the TCC piston and cover to keep the piston from dragging on the cover, or there is oil in the TCC apply circuit at an undesirable time.

流量计是一种好工具缩小下来。When the flow of TCC release oil dips below .45 gallons per minute (GPM), the TCC piston will start to drag on the cover. As the flow decreases even further, the condition becomes worse. One way to narrow down this condition is to loop the cooler lines (bypass the cooler and cooler lines). If the condition goes away when the cooler lines are looped, then the flow restriction is after the TCC piston. This will include any cooler or cooler line restrictions. This isolation method has been very popular for diagnosing the stall condition on the early rear-wheel drive Chryslers, and also can be used to help diagnose a shudder condition. If the condition is still present when the cooler lines are looped, the flow restriction is before the TCC piston. This restriction could be inside or outside the converter. If inside the converter, you must trace the path of the TCC release oil from the end of the input shaft to the O.D. of the TCC piston. In some Chrysler converters the oil must pass through the notches between the bushing and cover. In these converters the bushing must be installed to the correct depth. In the A518 converter the bearing between the turbine hub and cover is a restriction by itself. Another restriction can occur if the flex-plate is dished and the end of the input shaft is too close to the inside of the pilot. In some Ford converters an alternate path for the TCC release oil must be provided if the bearing between the turbine hub and cover restricts the flow.

In some cases you will have to go all the way back to the pressure regulator (PR) valve to find the reduction in the flow of TCC release oil. To identify this condition, install a line pressure gauge and monitor your flow readings and line pressure at the same time. If the line pressure is low when the flow is low, there is a wear issue with the pump or pump circuit. If the line pressure is high when the flow is low, then the PR valve is being stroked out of balance. Since PR valves are usually demand valves, high pressure, low output or any combination of both could result in the reduction of TCC release oil.

One familiar example is the E4OD. Low pump output combined with elevated reverse pressures has caused engine stall conditions. In Hondas, low pump output combined with wear issues and usage demands on the system has caused the clutches to drag and the subsequent overheated converters. For years the 4L80-E's did not have an engine stall condition. When the 4L80-E transmission was mated to a small diesel power plant in the one-ton utility vehicles, the problems started. The previous engines, gas or diesel, had higher idle RPM and no problems were ever seen.





如果透射压力正常,但冷却器流量低,则存在一些类型的流量限制,导致颤抖。从他们退出传输到重新进入传输的位置,循环冷却器线。这将消除冷却器线和冷却器本身。如果颤抖消失,则限制在线或冷却器。如果夹持夹持器仍然存在于环路的冷却线,则限制在TCC活塞之前。由于限制可能是转换器内部或外部,因此您可能希望更换转换器缩小此缩小。如果在更换转换器之后仍存在颤抖,则限制在排气通道(以前充电/ TCC释放油)。当该通道受到限制时,在TCC活塞和盖子之间捕获的油不能快速撤离,以便良好的TCC适用。这种情况具有与施加压力较弱的效果相同。该通道穿过涡轮轴,泵,透射箱和阀体。 In some cases it is up to 13" long, providing many opportunities for a restriction. If the shudder issue is gone after the converter has been replaced, the problem was inside the converter. You may want to pass on your transmission pressure and cooler flow readings to the converter manufacturer to help get the root cause of the issue.

Asking the right questions and then following a careful, methodical approach should help to take some of the fear out of diagnosing TCC lockup issues.



Test 1


Yes: Go to Test 2 < Install flow meter. Does flow change when lockup is commanded? > 没有: check & repair TCC control valve & solenoid function

Test 2

Yes: Engine Stalls. Converter is ok. Go to Test 4 < Block TCC control valve & re-test. > 没有: Engine does not stall. Go to Test 3

Test 3

Leaks found: Repair & repeat Test 2 < 发动机不会摊位。检查TCC应用电路是否有用于TCC控制阀和转换器之间的泄漏。 > 未找到泄漏:更换转换器

Test 4

Yes, Command good: Road test for lockup < Engine stalls & system capable of lockup. Verify that lockup is being commanded. > 没有command: Repair failure to command lockup



Test 1


Low cooler flow: Go to Test 2 < 安装流量计和监控冷却器。 > Good cooler flow: Go to Test 5

Test 2

Low line pressure: Diagnose & repair line pressure issue < 在流量低时,安装线路保证仪表并观察压力。 > Good line pressure: Go to Test 3

Test 3

Flow is good: Repair restriction in cooler or cooler lines < 循环冷却器线并重新测试。 > Flow is still low: Go to Test 4

Test 4

电路良好:更换转换器 < 检查液压回路通向转换器。 > Circuit defective: Repair Circuit

Test 5

Good hydraulics: Replace converter for internal defect < Cooler flow was good. Check hydraulic function of TCC apply &/or control valves. > Poor hydraulics: Repair cause of unintended apply pressure or valve stuck in apply position



Test 1


Good pressure but low flow: Go to Test 2 < 安装流量计和监听压力表。 > 良好的流量但低压:去测试3
Good presure & good flow: Replace converter 低流量和低压:修复低压问题并重新测试

Test 2

Shudder continues: Replace the converter < 良好的压力 - 流量低。循环冷却器线并重新测试。 > 不寒而去了: Repair restriction in cooler or lines & re-test

Test 3

Shudder continues: Replace the converter < Good flow & low pressure. Repair low pressure issue & retest. > 不寒而去了

本文的灵感来自巴巴多斯的一系列技术电话。肖恩拥有2006年铃木大维特拉,配备了03-72 LS / A44DE传输,发动机摊位在订婚条件下。Ed Lee是一个Sonnax技术专家,他们在重点转换器Rebuilders的兴趣问题上写道。bob游戏怎么下载Sonnax支持这一点bob游戏怎么下载Torque Converter Rebuilders协会

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