October 24, 2011






Repair #2

客户把车大约两个星期later with the complaint that the vehicle would shake while driving around town. During the test drive, we noticed a severe torque converter shudder after about 4 to 5 miles. I mean a real bad shudder at about 40 mph up to 70 mph. Release the throttle and it would stop; reapply the throttle and the shudder would return just as severely. This has got to be a bad converter, right? I mean, we put the whole ball of wax into this unit. Cooler flow checks perfect with the Hot Flush. So we replaced the converter, and the problem went away. No shudder at all. It’s FIXED!

Repair #3

客户把车大约两个星期later with the complaint that it was still shaking while driving around town, but now it would shake on the highway, too. OH BOY! Here we go again! Another test drive, and again we noticed a severe torque converter shudder after about 4 to 5 miles. JUST LIKE BEFORE! No way! OK, let’s get it fixed. Check the cooler flow: 2 quarts in about 16 seconds, OK good. Replace the torque converter and the valve body with TCM? This has got to be the problem, right? So again we replaced the torque converter, but this time we replaced the valve body with the TCM. Go on a test drive, this time we drove for about 50 miles. No problems. No shudder! It’s got to be fixed this time, I mean we drove the stuffing out of this Nissan, AND we took it back to the dealer to be flashed again. Yeah, it’s fixed.

Repair #4

客户将车辆带回了大约10天后的投诉,即在镇上和高速公路上驾驶时仍在摇动。好的,现在这根本没有任何意义。每次三个转换器和两个阀门体/ TCM含有日产液。冷却器流量很好。所以我对这家商店的人的问题是,“是特定的,伙计们,它做了什么?这是一个发动机问题还是别的东西?““不,我们确信这是一个颤抖,”是回应。好!所以我回到了这家商店,开车,肯定是一个变矩器颤抖。bob游戏怎么下载毫无疑问! So we add a bottle of converter shudder cure to the vehicle. “It’s fixed,” was the response, but no one at the shop was really convinced! Everybody had that sheepish grin on their faces like: “I sure hope it’s fixed…” Back to the customer after another 50-mile test drive with no problems at all.

Repair #5

Customer brought the vehicle back about five days later with the complaint that the vehicle was still shaking while driving around town and on the highway. “Can you fix my car?” was the lady’s question. “It worked for about two days, then it came back again. Why?”

So guys, how do you answer this? WOW, were we stumped. Again, I travel up this shop to see if I can help. This is a really good shop with few if any problems; they do things the right way, they pay attention and they REALLY try to get things fixed. BUT, this one wasn’t fixed.

The Real FIX - Repair #6

The first thing we did was change out all the fluid using a different type of synthetic fluid to see if maybe we had some bad fluid from Nissan. NO LUCK. The vehicle started to shudder at about 35 miles. After running several tests, including line pressure, at all available ports, cooler flow and cooler pressure, I made several calls and e-mailed the guys at Sonnax for help. HELP!

在我与Ed Lee和Bob Warnke的讨论中,ED建议我们绕过散热器冷却器。“这是全新的,”我说。“只需绕过它即可看到有任何区别,”ED的响应。

SO SIMPLE AND SO EASY! The results: 90% of the shudder that had existed only two hours earlier was gone. It only had a shudder at about 45 mph, and only a very slight shudder at that. Two different people drove this to verify. “Sure, sure, it’ll be fixed for about five days, and then it’ll be back,” was the resounding chorus! So, this time we did the logical repair based on this test: we bypassed the radiator cooler for the transmission and installed a large external cooler from Tru-Cool. No radiator, no air-to-oil cooler from Nissan, just a simple external cooler. YES, it IS fixed!




这是三通转换器。转换器离合器是固定盖多板,类似于梅赛德斯722.6, in which apply pressure is fed through the turbine shaft. It functions similar to an input clutch on a transmission.

The other paths are converter in and out. The out passes over the converter lubrication valve and onto the clutch control valve. The clutch control valve is stroked into the apply position by the TCC solenoid. The speed at which the valve strokes is controlled by the varied spool diameters and the amount of pressure that is applied to the spools. When the cooler circuit becomes restricted, the pressure in the circuit rises. Because of the variance in spool area and the rise in pressure on this area, the travel of either valve may be affected. One way to isolate this valve movement is to check cooler flow. If either valve is cycling or pressure has pushed the valve into a stall position, flow will cycle or shut down. In this case, the new radiator/cooler provided enough back pressure to affect valve travel and converter apply.

特别感谢Stuart Mays,Jamie Wise和Todd Edwards为他们的辛勤工作和对本文的贡献。Gary Carne是Coleman-Taylor传输技术总监,孟菲斯,TN。


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