January 29, 2020

Bushwhacked! Keys to Avoiding Preventable Bushing Problems

Brian Wing


曾经想过为什么一些传播似乎有衬套比其他人疲惫不堪?由于衬套失败了卷土重来?是什么导致衬套失败了?当然,一些问题是由润滑油供应或未对准的部分减少引起的,但存在衬套失效的其他可预防原因,以及我们如何最小化被扣除或纺纱衬套或衬套相关的失败燃烧的机会。在我们的情况下保修期?With a bit of insight into bushing purpose, design and most-favorable operating characteristics, it is possible to lengthen bushing life, improve fuel economy and keep the gear train properly aligned so that other (seemingly) non-related components don’t wear out prematurely and result in a comeback.

Only the Strong Survive

To work successfully and live a long life, bushings in automatic transmissions need to be designed within the following general parameters:

  • 必须支持齿轮和旋转部件产生的大型力 - 负载高达1,400 psi
  • Must handle speeds of up to 9,500 RPM (top planetary speed)
  • Must endure temporary operation with low/no lube oil
  • 由于制造异常,必须最小化由于摩擦而导致的拖曳/热/功率损耗和“关闭”条件(例如组件未对准)
  • 必须为支撑轴提供最佳间隙,以便在衬套和轴期刊之间实现适当的流体膜厚度
  • 必须能够密封电路(必填)
  • Must resist corrosion

With these constraints in mind, design engineers have a raft of items to consider in their effort to produce a bushing that can stand up under punishing conditions.

Bushing Design: The Engineer’s Dilemma


  • 疲劳抵抗— The greater load-carrying capacity a material has, the greater its resistance to fatigue.
  • 得分和癫痫发作- 材料抵抗探测和焊接到配合组分的能力,特别是在低或无油状下。
  • Conformability— The ability of the material to compensate for component misalignment and deflection.
  • Embedability- 材料吸收和螯合悬浮在ATF中的外来颗粒的能力。
  • 耐腐蚀性能— The ability to withstand corrosive media that develops in ATF over time.


  • 铅/锡基巴巴特— Relatively soft; poor fatigue resistance, which worsens with increased temperatures. Excellent conformability, embedability and seizure resistance. Good corrosion resistance.
  • Copper/Lead (Bronze)- 高疲劳性;略低于较低的符合性,可造型和癫痫发作量比Babbitt。公平的耐腐蚀性。
  • 铝制/锡,铝制/硅,铝制/铅- 高疲劳性;混合得分和癫痫发作;适当性和既定尺寸远低于巴比特和青铜。优异的耐腐蚀性。
  • Polymer-Impregnated Bronze (PTFE)- 良好的疲劳性;出色得分和癫痫发作;一致性非常好,可抵御性低于青铜。优异的耐腐蚀性。低油条件的大公差窗口。



铝衬套有一层薄薄的锡,硅or lead on the load-bearing surface. While this surface provides excellent anti-score and anti-seize properties, it is very easy for that layer to be damaged in a heartbeat during low- or no-oil situations which commonly occur in transmissions. When that happens, the aluminum material that is exposed to the riding shaft fails by seizing very rapidly. Thus, aluminum bushings are not a good idea for areas where lubrication is not immediately and continuously available.

第二章涉及PTFE-coated与ptfe-impregnated衬套:制造方法使得良好的衬套和一个可能失败的灾难性之间的差异。对于这些衬套有效,必须将PTFE层烧结(浸渍)进入青铜中间层,具有钢板。烧结在青铜的整个结构上完全扩散了PTFE分子,在原子水平上锁定它们。如果PTFE层未烧结 - 即,采用粘合剂或热喷涂以将PTFE连接到衬套上 - PTFE层通常在操作期间从背衬中分离或去粘合,允许癫痫发作。PTFE基金会类似于我们的下巴 - 没有良好的根,我们会失去大量的牙齿。




Is This Thing Groovy, or What?

凹槽或不沟槽是一个重要的设计考虑因素。套管ID中的凹槽并不总是使用,但它们在许多应用中使用以改善润滑(Figure 1).

图1 - 带凹槽的衬套

Groove design can be very complicated, but basically depends on lubricant type, source and quality as well as operating conditions and bushing dimensions. Grooves are also often used as a pumping mechanism, whereby the spinning shaft pumps oil through the bushing groove to lubricate the bushing and/or the component beyond the bushing.


Figure 2 — Bushing with Indentations
Image 2_Bushing with Indentations


衬套和/或配合轴上的过度粗糙是衬套磨损和最终故障的主要原因。工程师可以控制衬套的表面光洁度,但它将与另一个问题一起使用的轴。为了获得最佳结果,衬套的负载表面应小于25微英寸的RMS,而轴期刊应为8-12 rms。由于负载能力与轴表面光洁度直接相关,因此在防止衬套的过早磨损的同时,将施加疲劳阻力。

轴轴颈可以具有可接受的表面,但由于杂志表面的过量“波纹”,仍然磨损衬套。该波纹也称为研磨颤振,并且在制造研磨过程中发生。图3.shows a measuring micro-trace of a 4L80-E main shaft journal that caused bushings to wear out rapidly and repeatedly; quickly prepping this shaft by minimizing the chatter ridges restored normal operation.

图3_ 4L80-E主轴期刊的微迹线

Though the design of a bushing is considerably more complex than the basic information laid out here, we now have a general picture of the main considerations involved in producing a quality bushing. However, no matter how good the bushing design and manufacture might be, it cannot operate successfully unless the environmental conditions it will live in are favorable. The torch is now passed to the bushing installer.



  • Realize that worn (or poorly made) bushings are the cause of problems from circuit leaks to component misalignment, clutch failure, broken components, friction losses, etc.
  • Ensure the lubrication circuit operates normally. Vacuum test appropriate control valves and replace with oversized as necessary. Ensure lube passages are unrestricted.
  • 选择替换衬套时,选择具有良好公差规格的声誉的制造商,因为轴向衬套间隙是润滑膜厚度和部件对准的关键。这对于使用套管来密封电路的部分来尤其重要。衬套密封电路的一个例子是ZF6HP单元中的“E”离合器的实例;我们大多数人现在都熟悉驾驶性问题和4F85比率监控代码这些单位当后定子衬套磨损时抛出。因为OE衬套在这些ZF应用中利用了较好的材料,所以这会发生这种情况。
  • 在大多数情况下,忘记不支持钢铁的衬套。安装过程中较低的疲劳电阻,降低,保持性能和变形的可能性使得非钢背衬套对于许多应用来说是过度危险的。
  • 将衬套安装到铝制外壳孔中时,在安装前夹持衬套倒角的前缘。这将防止粘附铝孔。
  • If you use a driver and hammer to install bushings, a change of practice is recommended. We’ve all done it — and gotten away with it many times — but the fact is that precision bushings can distort when driven in, causing fit and performance issues. Shock loads from driving tend to deform bushings (some more than others). Instead, always use an arbor press, which protects and preserves the integrity of the bushing ID and chamfers. Purchase or make dedicated bushing installers to use with the arbor press; replace any of these if they get dinged or scratched. Lightly lube the bushing before pressing.
  • 对于处理高负载的衬套,用套筒再保险tainer or carefully stake them in after installation to prevent possible spinning.
  • 在安装之前准备轴期刊和外壳孔。为了最佳保留,壳体孔可以完成为60-125微英寸rms。对于轴期刊,最佳饰面是8-12 rms。您可以用适当的砂砾砂布用手轻易做到这一点;60个砂砾将在外壳中工作,400个砂砾将在轴期刊上掉线(Figure 4)


Grit Size rms(微英寸)
36. 160.
60 (Use on Housing) 98
120. 58.
180. 34.
240. 17.
320 14.
400 (Use on Shaft) 10.
  • We’re not trying to remove material here, so keep a light touch and just kiss the surface to get the best results. For the shaft, rotate the emery cloth back and forth around the axis of rotation(图5)。
图5 - 带砂布的准备轴日志
  • 别忘了清理所有润滑洞和段落。图6.显示一个预制和一个非预洗轴。您希望在您的构建中安装哪一个?
图6 - 预制轴与非预制轴
  • Always use manufacturer-recommended oil, which the bushing was specifically designed to be run with. The right oil must be used to maintain the desired oil thickness between bushing and shaft, and to protect the shaft as it spins.
  • Dirt is the worst enemy of a bushing. Be relentless about keeping the unit clean during service.
  • 确保所有底盘场都完整并清洁,电压下降不稳产。如果由于设计路径中的电阻过多,电压无法接地,它将找到另一种方式来实现此处的衬套。


衬套只是在任何重建期间竞争我们注意的许多东西之一;当我们试图追踪完全无关的问题的原因时,可以很容易地忽略他们的重要性。但它会始终记住他们在每一个都玩的重要角色传播that comes across your path, regardless of the reason it is on the bench. Selecting the highest quality bushing available for your application, taking the time to prepare the mating shaft/housing bore and using preferred installation methods are fundamental steps in your never-ending quest to fend off prematurely worn bushings and bushing-related comebacks.

Brian Wing是Driveline和传输组件的Sonnax产品开发经理。bob综合体育下载他是Sonnax的成员Tasc力量(Technical Automotive Specialties Committee), a group of recognized industry technical specialists, transmission rebuilders and Sonnax technicians.

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