
识别GM 300mm阻尼器


300mm.转换器已经变得非常流行于GM单位。首先用于Corvette和F型车辆(Firebirds和Camaros),今天它也用于大多数卡车,面包车和SUV。转换器也在a中制造280mm.version (VJCX, for example).

当只使用300mm转换器仅在Corvettes和F-Cars中使用时,它们具有“石墨型”防滑离合器衬里(参见图1)。This lining was porous in nature and helped the TCC engagement feel. When the clutch apply strategy evolved to the ECCC strategy, the lining was upgraded to woven carbon (see图2)。该graphite type lining was never used in 300mm converters in truck applications. In the truck applications, the lining started off as woven carbon and that lining is still what’s used today.

在阻尼器中使用的弹簧可能有点混乱,因为阻尼器可以具有多达12个弹簧或者少至四个。当首先推出300毫米的转换器时,他们有两种可能的阻尼器。V8应用中使用的阻尼器有一个6个口袋设计和全套12个弹簧,六个内部和六个外部(见图3.)。该damper used for V6 applications was a 4-pocket design and used eight springs, four inner and four outer.

When GM started using ovate (oval) wire spring, the automaker discovered it was possible for a single spring coil with ovate wire to replace a conventional inner and outer set – an obvious cost savings. Eventually the ovate single-coil springs replaced all of the inner and outer spring sets. During the time that the dampers were being transitioned from the conventional inner and outer spring sets to the ovate springs, many different combinations could be found. For instance, it was possible to find two sets of double springs and four single springs in the same damper (see图4.)。

Since the single ovate spring has the same spring capacity as the conventional inner and outer set, they can be interchanged. The 6-pocket damper has about 515 Newton-Meters (380 ft-lbs) of capacity, whether it has 12 conventional springs or six ovate springs, and is used for the V8 applications. The 4-pocket damper has about 380 Newton-Meters (280 ft-lbs) of torque capacity with either type of spring, and is used for most V6 applications.




不要依赖转换器代码来识别300mm转换器阻尼器。计算弹簧口袋的数量是分离阻尼器的最佳方法 - 如果正在使用弹簧袋。还要记住,石墨型衬里(视图看起来像售卖场高碳)仅用于早期的Corvettes和F-Car。大多数ECCC应用都将使用编织碳衬里。


发动机性能工程师have been using ovate springs for valve springs for years. Ovate springs are also being used in the accumulators of some late model 4L60-E transmissions.

For most converter shops, previously trying to identify 300mm dampers was like being placed into a barrel and being told to stand in the corner. Hope this information makes identifying the 300mm dampers a little easier.

Ed Lee是一个Sonnax技术专家,他们在重点转换器Rebuilders的兴趣问题上写道。bob游戏怎么下载Sonnax支持这一点bob游戏怎么下载变矩器变形人s Association


