


2001年DODGE RAM 2500 4X4,带有康明斯柴油发动机和618变速器,带到了一个传输商店,并抱怨TCC颤抖。到了商店前三到四个月,客户注意到了TCC的变化申请感觉。他说,TCC适用突然变得更加积极或突然。这种情况在三到四个月的过程中发脾化,直到颤抖问题的开始。客户已退休并使用车辆在全国各地拖他的野营拖车。引擎中添加了几种性能增强功能,包括售后市场涡轮增压。由于发动机性能提高了更好的牵引能力,因此他没有抱怨更坚定的TCC涂抹,直到它发展成颤抖。

传播在车辆被重建93000英里January 2007. At that time, a rebuilt torque converter was also installed. The vehicle returned to the transmission shop in May 2008, because the torque converter bolts had come loose. During that repair, the flywheel was replaced, the torque converter was rebuilt and upgraded to include a billet cover. The TCC friction material was replaced, but the original piston and damper assembly had been reused.

Now the truck has returned to the shop with the shudder complaint. All of the usual preliminary checks were performed on the vehicle, including checking the line pressure and checking the cooler flow. Since all of the external checks were within the proper parameters, the problem was narrowed down to the converter. When the converter was cut apart, the TCC friction material was found to be degraded. The surface had been hot because of the shudder issue, but it also had the appearance of extreme use. The reason for the friction material failure was not immediately obvious. The turbine hub seal and the TCC piston bore were both in good condition. The reaction surface on the cover was also good. Other than the lining material, the only things that did not look good were the springs in the damper assembly. It was obvious that the damper springs were continually being bottomed out. The technician reasoned that the combination of the enhanced performance of the engine and the increased loads due to towing the camping trailer, were more than the capacity of the damper assembly.





Ed Lee是一个Sonnax技术专家,他们在重点转换器Rebuilders的兴趣问题上写道。bob游戏怎么下载Sonnax支持这一点bob游戏怎么下载Torque Converter Rebuilders协会

