January 26, 2015
在本文中,AW 55-50/515-speed (also known as AF 23/33) will be referred to as the AW 5.
AW 5有三种类型的线性螺线管:SLU(黑色连接器),SLT(蓝色连接器)和SLS(绿色连接器)。其他开/关螺线管用于控制换档阀的位置(Figure 1)。AW 5利用线性螺线管控制线路上升(SLT),转换器离合器(SLU)和离合器电路(SLS)的油流量和累积。这些螺线管的流动和功能重叠,这使得诊断困难。
所有三个螺线管通过螺线管调节阀提供稳压的油压。该阀的功能与GM相当4T65-E/4L80-E执行器进料限位阀。在AW 5中,螺线管调制阀将电磁压力限制为90psi。如果您希望验证调节点,请点击SLT压力并执行摊位测试。如果SLT超过90psi,则螺线管调制器孔佩戴在内侧端部。螺线管调节剂的钻孔可以允许最大压力过多,但也可以使压力低于管线压力。例如,如果在阀的弹簧端有孔磨损,则线压可以在空闲时为55psi,但源于螺线管的供给只能降低到40psi。高螺线管调节剂压力导致苛刻,颠簸的换档和焊接。低压会产生耀斑/长移位和差的TCC适用。虽然大多数AW 6速螺线管功能不同于AW 5速度,但电磁调节器功能和相关问题是他们共同的一件事。
Figure 2: |
齿轮 | 斯洛 | SLT. | SLS. |
P/D | X | ||
P/R | X | X | |
1-2 | X | ||
2-1 | X | ||
2-3 | X | X | |
3-2 | X | X | |
3-4 | TC | X | |
4-3 | TC | X | |
4-5 | TC | X | |
5-4 | TC | X | |
TCC. | X | ||
所有升降机和降档 | X | X | |
X - 该电磁阀对换档的最大效果。 TC - 转化性对转换器离合器的影响。 |
苛刻/降档。验证安培数到SLT更改。如果没有,TCM可能在故障安全中。验证锁定控制阀是否对SLU Anverage作出反应。通过适当的阀门控制将冷却器流动/上升50%。 | |||
图表中Figure 2highlights the more dramatic effects different linear solenoid malfunctions have on shift quality or torque converter feel at various shift points. As a general rule, if all shifts are harsh, check line pressure first. Line rise is controlled by the SLT. If forward and reverse are harsh or delayed, the 1-2 is harsh and 2-1 coastdown firm, the concern is often related to the SLU. The SLU also affects TCC control after the 2-3 shift. When the SLU is out of adjustment, the TCC may cycle or result in a harsh gear change due to an inadequate release of the converter clutch. When there is a flare shift on multiple gears such as 2-3, 3-4 and 4-5, suspect the SLS because it is the flow-control solenoid.
The adjustment screws on the AW 5 increase or reduce the spring force against the valve. The spring opposes the force of the coil (Figure 3)。为了避免严重的驾驶性问题,应将调节器设置在OE位置或接近OE位置,其平均值从调节器的末端测量到螺线管歧管的末端。如果调整太远 - 或者进出 - 发生各种驾驶性问题。在许多情况下,调整外螺线管可能导致TCM设置齿轮比代码或电磁阀电流高/低码。
如果螺线管需要在车辆中调节,则可以在盖子中钻出进入孔以匹配调节器的位置(Figure 4)。The holes can be plugged later with a blind head rivet. In some vehicles, adjusting these on a hottransmission在一个狭窄的隔间,可以“不舒服”。一个诀窍是使用带有速度计电缆的盖子。这些延伸到驾驶室,以便于调整。
The following information applies to the entire Aisin AW 6-speed lineup:TR-60SN/09D,TF-80SC/ af40,TF-81SC/ af21和TF-60SN/ 09g。TF-60SN / 09G将用作示例,因为阀体和螺线管往往对校准和调整更敏感。图表中Figure 5indicates the solenoid control strategy used in all the 6-speed units.
图5: |
福特 - 沃尔沃-PSA | ||||
齿轮 | SSC SLCI. | SSD-SLC2. | SSE-SLC3 | SSF-SLB-1 |
V.W. | ||||
N92. | N282 | N90. | N283 | |
P/N | X | X | ||
R | X | X | X | |
1 | X | X | X | |
2 | X | X | ||
3 | X | X | ||
4 | X | X | ||
5 | X | X | ||
6 | X | X | ||
X - 电磁阀通电。 p / n - 依赖于程序的策略。 |
没有te: These transmissions have skip-shift capability. Linear solenoids control the clutch fill and exhaust rate. | ||||
Adjustment: Counterclockwise - backing out the adjuster, causes the clutch circuit to charge and exhaust faster. Clockwise - turning adjuster inward, slows clutch control. Increments of one turn are suggested. |
AW 6中的每个离合器由专用的线性螺线管独立地控制。所有线性螺线管的源油压由螺线管调节阀调节。AW 6不使用典型的离合器开关阀,如AW 5中。AW 6依赖于线性螺线管,以控制每个离合器的施加和释放速率。通过查看图表,您将注意到N90和N282将如何在城市流量中激活。由于这种驱动循环,其中一个或两个这些螺线管趋于悬挂,导致粗糙的沿海班次。
了解6速机组上的离合器重叠非常重要。施用和释放的时序,两到三个元件必须根据负载,RPM /扭矩输入,温度等而变化。如果螺线管或离合器控制阀由于磨损或污染而缓慢,则TCM可能不会快速反应或补偿足以让参数内的班次。这些单位通常可以具有严重的苛刻或火炬升起或较小的离合器损坏。阀体和电磁阀服务将纠正广泛的投诉,但如果流体非常暗,损坏和磨损可能会有先进的,并且需要内部维修。
On most AW 6 units, the valve body must be lowered onto longer bolts or pulled outward from the case to exchange solenoids. To help isolate which solenoid is slow, you can swap from a neighboring bore and, if the problem travels to new clutch/position, it's relative to the solenoid. The adjusters which calibrate the solenoid and clutch control valve are easily accessible. Within one to one-and-a-half turns, you should notice a difference in that clutch.
Vacuum testing helps identify solenoid issues. Vacuum testing at "A" isolates the solenoid cap, the solenoid manifold to bore &阀门孔的耐受性。通过在“A”下找到具有更好的真空测试的螺线管来提高换档质量。真空测试“B”隔离钻孔磨损和损失过去的调节器。在“B”的真空测试差导致更快的阀门行程和颠簸偏移。
在AW 5和AW 6中发现的一个常见问题是一个炎热的驾驶能力问题。当柱塞开始在工作温度下抓住线圈衬套时发生这种情况发生。在冷却时,结果是可接受的,但在215°F / 85°C范围内,酷炫的降档或火炬升降机(通常是3-2和2-3)。如果您怀疑这一点,可以通过热浸泡测试识别缓慢或粘性的线性螺线管。将电磁阀加热到工作温度。使用商店抹布或一些保护手从热量,撬动并将阀门拉开柱塞并摇动螺线管。在良好的电磁阀中,柱塞轴将自由来回拨动(Figure 7&8)
AW 55-50螺线管通常校准为一组然后安装。非常重要的是要记住,无论您是重建现有的螺线管还是安装更换阀体本身也必须正确修复。
鲍勃沃纳克is Sonnax Vice President of Technical Development and a member of the SonnaxTASC佛rce(Technical Automotive Specialties Committee), a group of recognized industry technical specialists, transmission rebuilders and Sonnax Industries Inc. technicians.
January 26, 2015
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