有时我更大的压力s just what the doctor ordered. Raising line pressure is the most basic change you can make to your transmission. It can breath new life into old transmissions with sagging pressure regulator springs, or provide extra clutch and band apply pressure in hard-working units. Raising line pressure is typically done by using a stronger pressure regulator spring, installing a larger boost valve or doing both.
Sonnax offers several products which raise line pressure and, more importantly, vary the rate of pressure increase. Our lineup of pressure regulator springs and larger ratio boost valves is continuously growing, providing more and more options when you want to tweak a unit above stock pressures.
A stronger spring and larger boost valve will both increase pressure, just not in the same way, so it's important to understand the differences before making any changes.
强弹簧对压力具有“线性”效果。这意味着您在压力范围的低端和高端处获得相同的压力增加('A'上Figure 1)。虽然一个更强大的压力调节器弹簧将抬起线压力,但在麻烦表面之前,您可以获得多少。当在车库中转移到逆转时,重载在重负载下的升降机的显着压力增加可能太大。这种增加也在怠速时将额外的负载放在泵上,并且可以导致TCC离合器由于降低的冷却流量而拖曳。
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较大的升压阀对压力有“渐进式”影响:它们会改变压力速度。使用更大的升压阀('B'上Figure 1),可以在压力范围的低端具有非常小的压力增加,并且在高端的增加幅度越大。这造成了理想的情况:空闲的泵上的平稳啮合和较低的负载,以及更大的压力增加transmissionis worked harder. The significance of changing the rate of pressure increase with larger valves – rather than simply increasing pressure by the same amount with springs – is that higher pressure is created when it is needed most.
Sonnax hydraulic line pressure booster kits contain pressure regulator springs and boost valves designed to work together. Our pressure regulator springs are about 10% stronger than the OEM springs, but far more conservative than other aftermarket "kit" springs. When the Sonnax springs and larger ratio boost valves are combined, you get the best of both worlds: a modest pressure increase at the low end, with a high end pressure that is equal to or greater than that of "kit" springs. Driving a vehicle with this combination of Sonnax parts will result in normal engagements, normal light throttle shifts and smooth coast-down shifts. When pushed harder or driven aggressively, pressure increase becomes progressively greater, ensuring that shifts are not too soft. You may not need this for great-grandma's grocery-getter, but for most other vehicles, Sonnax hydraulic line pressure booster kits will add just the right touch to make sure the pressure is there when needed.
压力调节器弹簧设置基线压力。升压阀的作业是帮助压力调节器弹簧根据需要增加管线压力。在典型的应用中,来自EPC螺线管,真空调制器或电视阀的油压被引导到升压阀的末端('A'上Figure 2)。随着该油压的变化,辅助压力调节器弹簧的力也使得引起线压力增加。这种可变压力允许在最需要的载荷和加速期间的压力较高。当升压阀上的直径或反应区域进行较大时,将产生更多的力来帮助压力调节器弹簧。
Many boost valves feature an additional reaction area where reverse oil reacts to increase pressure in reverse ('B'上Figure 2)。Sonnax Boost阀门设计用于通过调整这两个反应区域获得正确的压力组合。Booster Kit中的较大比例Sonnax 4L80-E阀4L80E-LB1is an example of "tuning out" some of the reverse pressure so that the majority of the pressure increase is in the forward ranges.
Automakers possess many different systems to regulate and vary line pressure. The Chrysler45RFE,545RFE和68RFE.单位具有独特的全范围压力传感器和实时自适应闭环压力控制系统。因此,不可能以与其他传输相同的方式升高RFE的压力。安装更强大的压力调节器弹簧或更大的升压阀不会有效,因为RFE控制模块将简单地适应和返回OE规格的压力。在RFE上升高压力是必要的电气增压器选择。
Sonnax line pressure booster kitRFE-LB1.是一个简单的电阻电路的改进设计。该试剂盒采用集成芯片(IC)电路和较强的压力调节器弹簧,在较低压力范围内提供10psi,并且在更高的压力范围内增加25psi。要了解有关套件如何工作以及您可以期望的结果,请参阅在r中实现渐进式压力FES..
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