October 16, 2014
Converter-related complaints are common in the listed transmissions. Many times these complaints can be caused by wear at the plunger sleeve in the lockup clutch control valve bore. The plunger valve oscillates within the sleeve, responding to fluid pressure to help position the lockup clutch control valve for proper converter clutch apply. Excessive wear at the sleeve allows apply pressure to exhaust, resulting in a variety of TCC apply and release complaints.
Installation of the Sonnax lockup clutch control plunger valve kit 15741-53K will restore hydraulic control of this circuit. Drop-in Zip Valve™ parts install quickly and easily.
Learn More About Zip Valve™ Drop-In RepairsSonnax valve body layouts provide a detailed overview of individual units making it quick and easy to determine what’s available for the specific valve body you’re working on.See all Sonnax valve body layouts.
October 16, 2014
September 30, 2005
Gregg Nader
Vacuum testing at the port(s) indicated fails to hold the recommended minimum in-Hg, or if wear is visually detected.