




Step 1: Split the Circuits "Hydraulically"

When dealing with slipping, chatter and/or individual shift failures, it is very important to see if the line pressure that is directly associated with that one shift is out of specification. This means that the pressure test must be done in that specific gear. Also, use the clutch and band application chart to see if the component of concern is used in a different gear range, and make the pressure test in that gear range as well.


  • 直接离合器(也用于第3档和第4档)
  • 低/反向带(也用于手动1档中的发动机制动)



  • 第3和第4档出现:我们知道直接离合器能够工作,良好。
  • 不存在3个和第4档:在阀体中可能存在屏幕泄漏或丢失的问题,以及带有密封环和/或直接离合器鼓故障的东西。
  • 发动机制动手册1ST:我们知道低/反向频带能够保持。





Quary Connector的测试结果卸载的答案:

  • 反向工作:遵循电气诊断并检查控制模块的速度引用。
  • Reverse fails: on to the mechanical test!


  • 通过简单的测试,可以容易地消除线压力问题。
  • Electrical issues can be eliminated easily enough with a simple test.


Step 3: Split the Circuits "Mechanically"

对于这种“无反转”移位问题,我们将通过阻止低/反向频带机械地分割电路。要做到这一点,我们将不得不拆除石油锅。这是一个非常简单的程序,可以做两种不同的方式。首先,构成一个特殊的工具,允许您手动锁定伺服。为此,请使用旧伺服盖,沿着盖子的中心钻孔。钻孔钻孔,焊接盖子上的螺母,以允许使用螺栓锁定带紧(机械) - 见图1。一旦您有工具,有两种方法可以在车辆中进行测试。如果您没有为测试做好准备并且一个清洁,则可以非常乱,因为油底锅被重新安装到传输上。


Pan Off:安装低/反向带的测试盖。您需要从旧过滤器中的oil拾取管中制作第二个工具(从过滤器上切掉颈部并清洁工具)。将橡胶软管安装到管上,确保软管足够长,以达到填充桶,并允许拾取管安装到油泵中。这是一个快速的测试,但很凌乱,所以要小心。悬挂塑料屏蔽围绕变速器是一个很好的主意,将把油直到捕获桶!使用施加的驻车制动器启动中性的车辆(这有助于防止混乱)并快速转移以验证频段是否载有发动机负载。注意:如果您碰巧在公园开始并转向反转,它将喷油(大混乱)。问题要得到回答:它现在是否已逆转?这是凌乱的测试!


如果在测试期间,我们的答案向我们发送了正面反向,我们知道存在一个问题,应用频段通常可以解决而不会删除传输。拆下阀体并检查堵塞Low/Reverse servo feed passages in the case and/or the separator plate with gasket issues. While the valve body is on the bench, carefully inspect the body for valves sticking and make sure that there is no issue with checkballs #7 and #11, which are housed in sleeves in the valve body (both have been known to cause issues).

如果在测试期间“不反”仍然存在,the transmission must be removed for inspection to make sure that there is nothing in the direct clutch drum (remember, there are two separate apply areas for reverse versus 3rd and 4th gear in the direct clutch drum) and that the band is properly clamping on the drum to hold for reverse.


Dismantle the transmission to the point of being able to see the direct clutch drum in the case with the valve body removed. Make a simple air test to the direct clutch through the case to verify "both the feed passages" apply and hold. If it fails this test, remove and verify problem areas in the drum or on the support and retest. Air test for the drum passages, remove the drum and the center support/second clutch drum from the case. Visually inspect the band and the drum for broken pieces (图2)。Install the special test tool that allows the band to be mechanically applied. Lock the band tight and verify that the band ends do not touch, preventing a positive lock on the drum (图3.)。

重要的是:安装不正确的频段是由于快速磨损而修复后“无反向”的常见原因。为什么这种穿着发生?1995年,鼓的表面和乐队的衬里都有一个变化4L80-E.。此外,还存在位于前泵中的升压阀的变化,用于反向线压力升压。乐队的差异非常清晰(图4.)。Early bands had a grooved lining and later bands were smooth lined. Along with this change, the surface of the drum is critical for the life of the band. Early drums did not have a smooth finish on them to allow for the use of the grooved band. The late drum is smooth finished to allow use of the smooth-lined band (图5.)。如果您碰巧将光滑衬里的带放到具有粗糙的滚筒上,频带将失败,导致衬里被移除(无反向)。

Diagnosis often seems as though it takes too much time, but in the grand scheme of things, diagnosis truly saves time. Remember the simple rules in diagnosis of separating the three areas of the transmissions (Hydraulic, Electric and Mechanical), as this does save that valuable time. Let's all be successful, keep those TECH TIPS coming. For the story behind this article, read反向鼓磨损:一个4L80-e真实故事

兰德尔施罗德is a Sonnax technical specialist and a member of theTascForce®.(技术汽车专业委员会),一批认可的行业技术专家,传输Rebuilders和Sonnax Industries Inc.技术人员。

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