March 28, 2018


Robert Moreau

Read Part I ofReplacing Valve Bodies Dos and Don'ts.



  • Use lint-free shop rags:始终使用无绒店抹布。谈到传输时,清洁是必要的。从抹布的棉绒是你想要避免的东西,因为棉绒喜欢进入油底滤器并限制它。
  • 空气检查:虽然阀体出局,但请务必空气检查每个离合器组电路,可使用低调的压力。在安装阀体之前,它将有助于您发现任何问题。但是,最重要的是,这样做的重要性是 - 如果您完成了一旦完成了任何转变问题 - 请注意,有关每种元素的空气检查如何节省大量诊断时间。您已经在那里,所以要做的额外时间可以快速检查可以节省您的几个小时。
  • 使用扭矩扳手:始终在所有阀体螺栓上依次使用扭矩扳手,以确保它们同样扭动。我知道我们很多人认为我们有一个扭矩扳手内置在我们的臂上,但是使用扭矩扳手可以通过确保扭矩等于(而不是太大)来防止防止扭矩和阀门螺栓。
  • Make sure the manual valve is indexed properly:Double-check that the manual valve is indexed properly. I get calls from time to time for a no-move condition, simply because the manual valve was missed when installing the valve body. It is fairly easy to do on some valve bodies, especially when replacing the valve body with the传播still in the vehicle.
  • 冲洗冷却器线和冷却器:This is of the utmost importance, I cannot emphasize it enough. Over time various types of particles will lodge themselves in the nooks and crannies of the heat exchanger. New ATF cleans really well once the fluid is hot; the last thing you want is contamination that was present in the cooler circuit to break loose and end up in the valve body you just installed. Using a good-quality flusher that uses heated ATF is a must. If you don’t have access to one, replacing the radiator or bypassing the existing cooler is your next best option.
  • 检查DTCS:When replacing the valve body with the transmission in the vehicle (and before putting the pan back on), I strongly recommend that you take a minute to hook your scanner up to the vehicle, turn the key on and check for transmission codes. The vast majority of TCMs will detect a short or open circuit with just the Key On Engine Off. This is a quick and easy way to make sure everything is hooked up correctly, and that you don’t have any cut or pinched wires. All too often the solenoid looks like it is connected correctly, but in reality it is not, either it just missed the terminal or it’s not all the way in. This causes the computer to trip a solenoid circuit code right away on startup.

Initial Test Drive

  • 检查并确认任何车辆模块中没有DTC:必须是没有代码的模块(most cases) in order for the TCM to adapt to the new valve body and/or transmission you installed. If there is a code in another module, many times the computer will refuse to learn and adapt until the other issue is solved first. There is not always an easy way to find out for sure if a code in another module will prevent the computer from learning and adapting the transmission. So, once again, it is a matter of paying attention to shift feel. If it remains the same no matter how long it is driven, more than likely the code in the other module is preventing it from adapting.
  • 重置自适应学习:如果您的扫描仪具有重置自适应学习的功能,请务必在进行驱动器之前进行。它将减少relearn的时间,并将换档冲击,耀斑和绑定从Get-Go保持最小。请注意,在某些情况下 - 一些丰田和lexuses - 例如 - 带追随市场扫描工具的重置过程可能有点命中或未命中。很多次,即使它说它在工具上成功完成,它实际上什么都不做。如果您不确定该功能是否正在执行它应该,首先驾驶车辆,请密切关注它转移方式。然后,重置自适应并再次驱动它,以查看它是否在移位感受中的任何区别。它应该有 - 有时更好,有时更糟 - 但它应该有所作为。如果您正在处理一个没有区别的地方,那么它可能需要很长时间才能适应。在某些情况下,在您拥有有能力的扫描工具之前,它可能永远不适应扫描工具。
  • Bring the unit up to operating temperature:On most modern transmissions, the computer will not adapt until the unit has reached a certain temperature. How hot does it need to be? Good question. It is very rare for this information to be available. On some, it can be as low as 130°F, others as high as 160°F. To be on the safe side, I always recommend making sure the transmission temperature on your scanner indicates at least 170°F before wasting time driving it around, trying to get it to adapt. I cannot stress enough the importance of looking on the scanner at the temperature PID. On some vehicles, it is quite surprising how long it can take if you just drive it at one speed for the temperature to rise high enough.
  • Make sure there is enough gas in the tank:This next one is somewhat rare, but a major trap when you run into it. Make sure there is enough gas in the gas tank! That’s right, some vehicles out there will not relearn the transmission if the gas tank is below the one-fourth level. The reason for this, I am not sure. The only thing I can think is that they want the monitor for fuel EVAP to run first, but that’s just a guess. What I am 100 percent sure of: I have run into this more than once and in more than one brand of vehicle, where a stubborn computer would not relearn at all, but started relearning when gasoline was added to the tank.
  • Relearn procedure:As for the relearn procedure, there are two sets of them on most transmissions: the garage shift feel and the upshift/downshifts.
  • 对于车库班次:With the transmission fluid showing to be above 170°F or above on your scanner, you want to move the shifter from Reverse to Neutral. Then go from Neutral to Drive, while stopping for 5 seconds in each range. Next, go back the other way, from Drive to Neutral and Neutral to Reverse. You should do this until the garage shift engagement becomes smooth. Some vehicles don’t have this adaptation. Some do it real quick, while others take a while. You have to pay attention to the way it engages to know if anything is happening and if it is done or not. Every other time or so that you put it in one range, it will feel different if it is adapting. Once it remains constant, the adaptation is complete.
  • For the upshift/downshifts:很多时候,电脑不会在稍微不规则的驾驶下调整,所以驾驶它太轻轻地或过于积极地驾驶,可以防止它适应。您想在OD范围内推动它,做很多升降机和较低。随着您通常的常规驾驶,每次档位都以正常的减速速度下降,一直以常规驾驶,一直到完全停止。再一次,知道它是否正在调整的方式是要注意换档。如果它仍在调整每两到三次,则执行特定的升级,它会感觉略有不同。一旦它仍然稳定,您就知道它正在调整。

Measure the Voltage on the Grounds

我想提到的最后一件事 - 并且它可能应该是在流体水平和条件后检查的任何车辆 - 是确保您在任何场地上没有过大的电压降。如果你这样做,它可能会导致各种转移问题,这可能非常难以弄清楚。

To test whether a ground is good, with absolute certainty, is actually very quick and easy using a simple voltmeter. What we measure here is a bit counter-intuitive at first, especially since it is referred to as doing a “voltage drop test,” which sounds a bit strange. In reality, what you are measuring is the ability of the ground to flow enough current to prevent electrical back pressure (voltage) from building up in the ground path, allowing the electrons to flow from the negative terminal of the battery. It is basically the same as the drain in your sink or the exhaust system on your car. If too much pressure builds up, it means you have a restriction (resistance) — it’s that simple. When it comes to electricity, “pressure” is measured in volts. High voltage on the ground side means there is a restriction somewhere along the circuit, restricting the flow of electrons coming from the negative terminal of the battery.


1. Start the engine and turn on as many electrical loads as you can: headlight, high beams, heater blower fan, rear defrost, etc.


With the other lead (usually the red lead), simply touch any ground point you want to check and read the voltage on your meter display. The rule of thumb here is that you don’t want anything above 0.100V. I personally don’t like to see anything above 0.050V, and I don’t remember ever seeing more than that on a good ground. So if you ever see more than 0.050V, it is probably worth investigating a little further, even if the rule of thumb says up to 0.100V is OK.

你会注意到的,如果你这样做快电压drop test on every vehicle that comes in, is that the voltage will be higher the further away you are from the battery and the more connections there are along the way. So if you get, say, 0.020V where the ground cable from the battery attaches to the frame, 0.025V on the engine block, 0.030V at the firewall and 0.035V back probing the computer grounds, then you know your ground path is in great shape and there are no ground issues. You are simply seeing the increase in voltage because of the normal resistance of the wire and frame along the way back to the battery. The longer it is, the more restriction, therefore the higher the voltage will be. On the other hand, if you were to see a jump to, say, 0.060V between the firewall and a computer ground, then you know that ground path is compromised and needs to be addressed.

I hope this information comes in handy and saves you time and money.

Robert Moreau is a Sonnax technical specialist and a member of the SonnaxTASC Force(技术汽车专业委员会),一批认可的行业技术专家,传输Rebuilders和Sonnax Industries Inc.技术人员。

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