While the list is exponentially larger than what we have room for here, we'll explore three very common equipment and piston assembly issues, methodologies of resolution and if there are any tools that can help your shop return to production speed sooner:
Figure 1A | Figure 1B | 图1 c | 图1 d |
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These fixtures yielded the following measurements near the outer and inner edges:
Measurements indicate that the fixtures are parallel within 0.011", and the O.D. to I.D. flatness indicates fixtures are flat from inner to outer edges. From these measurements, we have verified that the current fixture arrangement and orientation will provide less contact pressure between the 8 o'clock and 12 o'clock positions. As a result, the clear decision is to re-machine both surfaces flat and repeat the solder test. Maximum variation should not exceed 0.007" around the fixture.
You also can use carbon transfer paper across the face of the fixture to identify any low/high points as a starting point for locating solder. Again, make sure heating elements are cold and fixtures/components are at room temperature.
Figure 2 |
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Contact paper is more reliable and costs a little more; it also is a good tool to aid in identifying contact loading between the back of the piston being bonded and the fixture, as well as the relationship of the front of piston to the fixture (with and without material). Contact paper is available in multiple ranges depending on pressures being used. (For reference, I've used Pressurex, with pressure range 70 to 350 psi, from Sensor Products, LLC, Sensor Products, Inc., 300 Madison Ave., Madison, NJ 07940, 973-884-1755.)
债券站只有其维护历史反映,它将通过比较良好的准确性来做你编程的事情;但是,它只提供从能够控制的内容提供反馈。一个完美的例子是温度相关性。假设操作员为机器设定为450°F,用于上部和下固定装置。我们可以说热电偶到站设置关系将产生类似的数据。让我们在钢铁夹上螺栓。现在,测量最靠近支撑活塞或夹紧粘合侧的摩擦材料的夹具的温度。可能会惊讶地发现夹具的温度平均为20°至50°Flowerthan the bond station temperature controller. Combine this with a cover having a lot of mass, and actual bond interface temperature is now much lower than you are expecting.
Station Setting (450°F) |
Temperature Near the Heating Element (445°F) |
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Temperature Near Piston Interface w/Probe (413°F) |
Temperature Near Piston Interface w/Laser (328°F) |
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As long as you know the difference between actual fixture temperatures and setting temperature, you can create an offset by raising control setting temperature until actual fixture temperature matches desired temperature.
Taking it a step further, data loggers are available for less than $200 which plug directly into a laptop. The two-wire J-type thermocouple can be placed directly at the bondline between the adhesive and bond surface to document time/temperature curves.(不te: Either wiping adhesive completely off the test ring with MEK or placing tape over the adhesive in the area the thermocouple will be located will make it easier to remove once the cycle has finished)。数据记录器附带的软件将绘制您的T / T曲线,您可以将数据导出到Excel文档以进行多种设置的绘制结果,确认设置的可重复性,并查看对活塞/覆盖配置的温度影响。
The plot inFigure 7表示这是典型的2分钟键循环,钢芯/活塞温度在室温下达到350°F,在32秒内达到400°F的最佳固化温度,并且在固化区中的剩余时间和剩余的时间峰值循环温度为448°F。(Information gained from OE converter products supports the idea that a high-temperature fixture surface will not inhibit material integrity. For example, cottons normally found in what we know as Tan on-off lockup linings won’t burn off until 662°F.)
Figure 7 |
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不用说,the bigger the mass, the longer it will take to heat up and stabilize. Another key consideration is whether the component being bonded to is aluminum or steel. If it is aluminum, you can bet it will pull a lot of heat from the fixtures. In other words, fixture temps may be at 475°F before the cycle, but they may drop to 400° F or 425°F during the cycle, and it will then take longer for fixture temps to recover before bonding the next part.
Root Causing Bond Strength Issues
Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you are experiencing irregular bond issues:
Is the issue occurring in one only section of each part?
This will identify whether the issue lies in the part or station tooling.
Figure 8 | Figure 9 |
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Is the problem occurring on just the O.D. or just the I.D.?
Is the piston intentionally tapered inward from O.D. to I.D.? Since some pistons like theGM 258mmare formed with a taper having an O.D. to I.D. difference of up to 0.012" (0.30 mm), it is critical to confirm the tooling matches the contour of the part (Figure 9)。
典型的情况是粘合表面被加工平坦的粘合表面并且假设是底侧是平行的,当实际上,它是两侧具有相同锥度的形成部分(Figure 10)。如果两个上下工具是平的,result will be a good I.D. bond and a poor O.D. bond. The I.D. is resting on the lower fixture, and as the top fixture presses down against the material, the I.D. receives full contact, BUT because of a cantilever action/deflection on the O.D., and because the actual piston is thinner here, it is not fully supported and is only receiving temperature and light contact pressure (Figure 11)。Correction:制作专门适合部分轮廓的工具(Figure 12)。
Figure 10 | Figure 11 | Figure 12 |
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The next time you think you have a problem, ask yourself who it affects, whether you can fix it and how it compares to the problems of the less fortunate. Turns out, our converter assembly problems are justinconveniences which lead us to gain experience when we don’t get what we were expecting。
Chris Horbach is a Raybestos®product development engineer and technical advisor who writes on issues of interest to torque converter rebuilders. Raybestos®支持转矩转换器ReBuilbob游戏怎么下载ders Association。了解有关小组的更多信息www.tcraonline.com。Sonnax感谢Raybestos.® for allowing us to share this information with rebuilders.
While Sonnax makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of technical articles at time of publication, we assume no liability for inaccuracies or for information which may become outdated or obsolete over time.