The following material focuses on the inspection and diagnostics of
S传播s. Although the
5R55Nis similar, only a few parts are interchangeable and most others can create problems if installed in a W/S unit. The N unit was used from '99-'02 in Jaguar S with 3.0/4.0 liter, Lincoln LS and Thunderbird 3.0/3.9 liter. The N was replaced by the S in 2003 in the Lincolns and T-Birds. The W showed up in Explorers and Mountaineers for '02-'03 before giving way to the S in '04-'05 models.
外部目视检查将揭示n有两个铸造的凸台,刚刚在中间伺服盖后面,最接近PCC的速度。W / S只有一个BCC压力港的老板(见
图1). If the unit is in the vehicle, you cannot see this but you can feel the difference. With the oil pan removed, the N will have a base plate similar to the
4R70Wcovering the lower valve body along with a reverse pressure (RP) switch. The 5R55W/S solenoid will not have terminals for the RP switch and the circuits are different. This article will address the W (24-tooth OD sun gear) and the S (38-tooth OD sun gear) even though hard parts vary.
Valve Body and Case Bore Wear
The point of excess valve-to-bore clearance can be very subtle. For a quick visual indication on the condition of a 5R55W/S valve body, I suggest you start with the TCC modulator bore 9 (see图2),其次是主调节器孔2(见图3.). These tend to wear first, due to their activity.
随着循环率(城市交通较高)进行,VFS 1,2,3调制器孔磨损,减少离合器和伺服压力。通过自适应策略,PCM可以补偿,但在过度磨损之后,发生齿轮比码或滑动。通常,螺线管或伺服销孔被归咎于罪魁祸首,但实际上VFS调制阀不能提供足够的压力。
The solenoid assembly appears to interchange between the N/W/S, but the critical components are the base plate and the filter (seeFigure 4). If the base plate or filter are mixed, the unit will lose reverse, TCC apply and solenoid oil pressure. The W/S components are pictured inFigure 4。
The filter, which is part of the gasket, lives under the aluminum base plate and is a serviced item. If you plan on reusing it, keep it far away from solvents or the silicone bead will never be the same size. If you replace it, compare the old and new filters.
5R55E,W,S和N单位是由工厂ATF填充使用早期MERCON V,2005年5月之前填充。福特释放了临时添加剂包(4L2Z-19B546-AB,带有公告FSA 04B22的流体XL-11)来安装客户和

新的车辆库存。最终分辨率是在黑色夸脱容器中使用修订的ercon v(xt-5-qm)。如果执行服务并且没有去除任何痕量的可疑流体,则可以减少下一个螺线管的使用寿命。
A malfunction in a replacement solenoid can be traced to a loss of prime in the VFS solenoids. These are tested and shipped with fluid, but after handling, this lubricant drains off. Before installation of the assembly, fill the circuits with the new Mercon V or the XL-11 additive and pull the fluid through the solenoid with vacuum. If the solenoid does not function properly, run the vehicle until hot, allow a cooldown and road test later.
You should also note that Ford units manufactured after 2002 have adaptive strategy, and a relearn should be performed along with a solenoid service. Don’t forget to inspect the grounds at the battery, the PCM, and clean the mass airflow sensor.
TCC Slippage and Converter Failure
5R55W / s的常见问题是TCC滑移过多,转换器故障或噪声。重要的是要了解转换器剥离油将TCC活塞从盖子上保持,供电压力,然后流到冷却器。该剥离油来自转换器调节阀,限制在130 psi。
As the command to apply TCC occurs, fluid from the solenoid flows to the modulator sleeve (seeFigure 5)和太极拳控制阀的结束。
This solenoid pressure is supposed to be limited to 72 psi by the solenoid regulator valve (seeFigure 6). If altered or the solenoid regulator bore is worn (inboard end), the pressure continues to rise at the modulator valve sleeve. Higher pressure reduces the slippage, but can cause TCC piston deflection and converter failure.
如何在72 psi上偏转TCC活塞偏转?一旦TCC控制阀冲程,调制线压力现在是转换器施加压力。释放油已被重定向到冷却器电路。无论有哪些线条压力(160-250 psi plus)都可以通过TCC电磁阀和套筒调制以控制滑动RPM。
If you work through this a few times, you can see how valve body wear and modifications affect the TCC clutch and converter. Another small but important detail in this design is the back pressure valve (seeFigure 7). It maintains 8 - 12 psi on the release oil to assist/allow in controlling TCC slip and lube pressure.
传播on the bench. When the valve body is in good condition, the valves will stroke and there will not be excessive leakage past the valves or bubbling from the exhaust slots. It should be noted that excessive bore wear, visualized as leakage around the valve or slot, can aerate the fluid during operation. This aerated fluid (suspended bubbles) will create an excessive fluid level that then vents from the case or causes erratic pressure.
Remove the solenoid base plate and reattach it over the separator plate. ATF, along with low air pressure of 40-60 psi, can be injected into the circuits (seeFigure 8).
If flow is always low when not in lockup and reduces significantly in reverse, the pump line control valve may be sticking open, the pump may be misaligned or the gear pocket worn.
The line control valve located in the pump has been known to create a hydraulic resonance or to stick open. A plunger stuck open exposes the output to pump inlet/suction, resulting in delayed engagements. Once the RPMs come up, the pump volume may exceed the leak and engagement comes back. A plunger that will not open will reduce fuel economy, increase pump body wear and could elevate line pressure in reverse.
If the transmission is in the vehicle and suspected of a line control stuck open, place the selector into reverse and disconnect the wiring to the solenoids. This results in maximum line pressure and in many instances will hydraulically force the plunger shut.
Do not sustain high RPMs or a long test as the servos and seals sustain excessive pressure.
If the pump has been removed, supply 100 psi of air into the port shown inFigure 9。如果您听到“POP”噪音,柱塞仍然打开。在空中测试期间,不应从其他电路逸出泄漏。如果确实如此,罐子/外壳在孔中松动,这将减少泵输出和管线压力。如果线座在替补席上,请在将柱塞推下时,侧面加载柱塞。没有感受到捕获或边缘。
Isolate Converter Noise
The 5R55N/W/S units have a TCC piston that floats through the cover. In

prevalent in neutral. This rattle is very difficult to isolate and can be related to the flex plate, the inspection cover, the camshaft sensor, the line control valve (review above) or the converter piston.
These units require a flex plate alignment tool and during that process the OEM paint/balance marks should be positioned next to each other. Most converter rebuilders can supply the tool and rebuild your converter with an updated piston (Sonnax p/n
FD-DA-17PB), to eliminate a TCC rattle.
隔离噪音去除之前,使用林e control valve test and alternate that test with a TCC command test. This TCC command can be performed with a shift box or by grounding the TCC solenoid pin 14. Verify you’re on the correct wire or you have just added time to your repairs!
Bob Warnke is vice president of technical development and a member of the TASC Force® (Technical Automotive Specialties Committee), a group of recognized industry technical specialists, transmission rebuilders and Sonnax Industries Inc. technicians.