October 09, 2008


Bob Warnke


If you have ever power buffed a paint finish, you realize that if you stay in one place too long or use an aggressive polishing compound, eventually the finish will buff out and then off. That’s probably not a concern on the Bronco destined for the woods, but on the 67 Camaro, it’s not good. Detailing also refines the interior. I recall a used car account, which routinely dropped off vehicles for “quick jobs”. One had repetitive electrical issues, returning this time with an inoperative power window. After removing the trim panel, I found the door was compacted above the motor with dried mud. If this had been a Bronco, with roll cage and big tires, it could be explained with a good story behind it; but this was a luxury car. I would presume when they “replaced” the interior and cleaned out the soft mud, the doors had been overlooked. In appearance, both the interior and exterior of the car were detailed perfectly.

身体细节很像传播工作,一个彻底的工作需要时间和经验erience. Years ago we were cleaning cast drums and shafts to avoid flushing the material back into the governor. Today, debris is attracted to a solenoid or sensor by their magnetic field.




在most instances, bore wear is hidden and you must inspect the casting at different angles along with additional lighting. The loaded side of the casting will wear first. Loading is generally from the force of the fluid pushing against the surface of the valve, causing the spools to rub hard against the casting. Valves that have stout springs, load both end spools in a pattern 180 degrees apart from each other.

目视检查需要完整的拆卸。在图5.,墨迹标记(例如,钻孔7的半路)表示对此目视检查的关键点U-140E.valve body. The ink marks at the end plug retainers (such as bore 12) indicate they must seal. These end plugs and all the circuits with the oval drawn around them in图5.and6.全部可以真空测试。



