May 13, 2004

Mistaken Identity: Jatco 5-Speed FWD Band Anchor Issues

Ed Lee

Before digging into this article, you should first read Wayne Colona’s article, “A Case of Mistaken Identity,” which appeared in last month’s Transmission Digest. If you didn’t catch it in the March issue, please take a minute or two and read it before proceeding. What follows will make a lot more sense once you have read his article.

When filling the front-wheel-drive Jatco 5-speed, it is not difficult for the technician installing thetransmissionto mistake the band anchor stud for the fill plug. In fact, as Wayne explained, it’s not difficult to make this same mistake twice. When you consider that the shortest R&R time is 4.5 hours on Volkswagen, and the longest R&R time is 9.6 hours on the Freelander, it is important to figure out a way to rectify this problem without removing the transmission from the vehicle.



首先,您需要实现将频段返回到其锚定位置所涉及的内容。乐队看起来像4T60-e中的前向频带的缩小版本。当频段处于正确的位置时,它看起来像它一样Figure 1。The anchor stud fits into the oval hole on one end of the band and the servo pushes against the other end of the band for band apply. The natural spring tension of the band aids in its release of the drum as the servo releases its pressure on the band.

The band’s spring tension would make you think that reinstalling the anchor stud into the band would be impossible. The first hurdle you have to overcome is removing the tension from the band. This can be accomplished by removing the cap from the servo cavity. Once the cap is removed you can see that the servo release movement is limited by a snap ring. The servo piston and return spring are located under the snap ring while the adjusting threads and the adjustment jam nut are located above the snap ring.

Leave the snap ring in place, loosen the jam nut and back out the servo pin adjustment until about 7/8” of threads are exposed. (SeeFigure 2)。这将允许您将带更靠近重新安装锚螺柱所需的位置。如果您还没有足够的调整,您仍将在乐队上张力,如果您退回调整太远,则频带将旋转伺服引脚。

At this point, the task still looks impossible. To make it possible, chuck the anchor stud in a lathe and drill a hole down the center of the stud. An “R” drill bit is a good choice for drilling the hole since it is the tap drill bit for 1/8” pipe threads, and you will need to plug the hole in the stud when you are finished. Don’t forget to tap the threads into the head end of the stud before proceeding.You will not want to remove the anchor stud to tap the threads once you have it back in place.

在重新安装锚螺柱时,您需要一个工具来定位频段。工具显示在Figure 3was made from .102 music wire, although any number of substitute materials can be used. The two important things are that the tool be as rigid as possible and have as much of an arch as possible and still fit down the bore of the stud. The right-angle bend of the tool will help to guide the blind end of the tool.

如果乐队之间鼓和case, tap it free. Center the band, then rotate the band until the servo end of the band is resting against the servo pin. The oval hole in the band will now be exposed through the anchor stud hole in the case. Put the band alignment tool through the center of the anchor stud as shown inFigure 4。现在可以使用该工具将频带定位,因为锚螺栓安装在壳体中。当锚螺栓成功安装到壳体中时,用1/8“管道插头插入螺柱中的孔,并调节带上的间隙。

In World War II, an Army engineering company had the motto, “Difficult tasks we do immediately, impossible tasks take a little longer.” When you’ve successfully replaced the band anchor stud without removing the transmission from the vehicle, you’ll surely be able to relate to those soldiers.

Sonnax技术专家Ed Lee是一个成员TASC Force®(Technical Automotive Specialties Committee), a group of recognized industry technical specialists, transmission rebuilders and Sonnax Industries Inc. technicians.

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