


铸铁(C.I.)PowerGlide.®传播与U.K中制造的汽车和摩托车分享一个区别:它们都泄漏。任何与自己诚实的传输店主会承认这一点。大多数人都不感到惊讶地看到早期模特雪佛兰的所有者用一块装饰着大红点的纸板返回他们的商店。随着时间的推移,许多商店提出了创造性解决方案,以获得一些特别有问题的泄漏。OEM软木密封位于T.V.的轴上,例如,已被通常在C6调制器上发现的O形圈取代。此升级非常成功。另一个例子是使用铝盒,PowerGlide手动轴金属包覆密封代替C.I.PowerGlide车床切割密封。第三个例子是C.I.PowerGlide钢速度计子弹:OEM速度表子弹没有正密封,但它可以安装在350钢Speedo Bullet中使用的金属包覆密封件,机器工作最小。 This upgrade also has been very successful.

Even with all of the creative new sealing alternatives, it is difficult to build a C.I. Powerglide that is leak-free. The owner of a local transmission shop recently mentioned that he was considering no longer rebuilding C.I. Powerglides. His reason was that all four of the units rebuilt in the past year came back with leaks.



The Hydra-matic™ transmission of that day had a similar dipstick, but it entered the transmission at the top of the case and vented the entire main case and extension housing cavity equally. Since all of the cavities of the Hydro-matic were well vented, leaks were not an issue. By comparison, on the C.I Powerglide the dipstick tube enters the case at a lower level. This means that - when the fluid is at its proper level - this area is isolated from the rest of the main case cavity. When all of the area inside a transmission case is not vented equally, pockets of pressure are allowed to build up. The vented area of the main transmission case and the extension housing are connected by an orifice in the 11 O'clock position in the rear pump (图5.)。

该孔口受小销限制。退伍军人C.I.PowerGLIDE REBUILDERS学习了将销钉从后泵中的孔口留出的艰难方式会导致传动将油布从DIPSTICK中发出。在1958年在发泄到主要案例之前,这种破坏行动是唯一可以从主案中耗尽的压力积累。这种压力堆积也解释了许多顽固泄漏。


不幸的是,这个starte根源分析d more than 50 years too late for this problem, but hopefully it will help with the way we approach future ones.

Sonnax技术专家Ed Lee是一个成员TascForce®.(技术汽车专业委员会),一批认可的行业技术专家,传输Rebuilders和Sonnax Industries Inc.技术人员。

