February 28, 2009

5L40E/5L50-E: Isolating Concerns Re: Loss of Reverse or TCC

Bob Warnke

图1shows a5L40-E阀体在阀体机上进行测试。这里使用的压力低于正常的操作压力,但是使得可以捕获从阀体爆发的许多喷射和喷泉。实际上在正常操作下,这些喷射将是加压喷雾。现代阀体中有许多排气点,即使在最好的情况下,这种飞行流体陷阱并带有相当数量的空气,并在其前往油底壳的路上。这是预期的;弹油和皮卡旨在处理一定的曝气量。

当阀门和孔开始穿,让窃取的e, the easiest path for the leak is to exhaust. Two things happen as a result of this wear-induced exhaust leak. First, the leak allows a pressure drop which is loss of control pressure. Valves or components no longer move, apply or respond as intended. Second, the amount of exhausted fluid and therefore the amount of air entering the sump is increased. The amount of aeration can easily surpass the sump's ability to dissipate the air before the pump picks it up. The minimal sump capacity of the 5L40-E makes it especially vulnerable to this problem.






  • TCC滑倒code
  • Converter lining & fluid overheat
  • TCC piston deflection
  • TCC调节器孔
  • AFL Bore
  • 主要调节器孔
  • TCC solenoid quality
  • 泵交叉泄漏
  • Wet air test
  • Vacuum testing
  • TCC信号上的压力表
  • 高压下逆转
  • Reverse lock-out bore
  • Wear valve body cross leaks
  • Wet air test
  • Vacuum testing
  • TCC信号上的压力表
  • Loss of reverse at low pressure
  • 有缺陷的TCC螺线管
  • 反向锁定阀陷入困境
  • 隔离电磁阀
  • 损失为4-5
  • 错误的齿轮开始
  • TCC滑倒
  • 反向高压
  • 离合器窘迫
  • AFL bore wear
  • 主要调节器孔
  • Wet air test
  • 压力表在线水龙头。检查最大反向压力。
  • Vacuum testing
  • 通过拆下油底壳和手动阀的反向位置,将30至40psi的调节空气涂在主线压力龙头中。这被称为捕获的湿空气测试或Wat。水龙头位于泛导轨和冷却器线之间。良好的阀体在指示的三个位置处具有最小的液体损失(图3.)。




    Cross leakage into the TCC signal circuit can partially stroke the reverse lock-out and TCC enable valves. Cross leaks may occur at the pump surface, TCC solenoid, TCC regulator bore, a warped valve body surface or the reverse lock-out valve. When TCC signal circuit pressure reaches 5-7 psi, the reverse lock-out valve will have moved enough to restrict reverse. At 10-12 psi the TCC control and enable valves are positioned to restrict converter release oil flow.


    Using the test tool on a bench unit, apply low air pressure to the outer end. Air flow should only exit at the TCC regulator valve and into the TCC signal circuit.

    During the air test, the TCC enable valves (located in the pump) and reverse lock-out should stroke and no leakage should be visible at the TCC regulator bore. If the reverse lock-out valve does not stroke, filter particles may be causing it to stick.

    If you use the tool during a vehicle reverse pressure test, it can isolate valve body vs. pump issues. Install your test manifold, with the removable plug in the through hole. If reverse remains engaged at high pressure, the original TCC solenoid had a cross leak. If reverse is still lost, the unit has a cross leak and circuits can be air tested through the tool to identify the source.

    Case Circuit Testing





    一旦单位拆卸,检查TCC使能钻孔和主压力调节器孔(图7.)。主要调节器孔wear causes slide instability, pump/rotor damage, high pressure and TCC issues. Bore wear at the inner spool of the TCC enable valve causes overheated converters and high slip rates.

    Bell Housing Pressure Taps

    如果您有重复的问题,或希望验证TCC电磁质量和控制,请在铃声上轻敲进入TCC电路(图8.) will be a productive test. Tapping into these circuits identifies the amount of pressure within the TCC apply and signal oil. These circuits can be drilled and accessed with the pump/bell removed. Accurate gauge or Transducer should be installed.

    If you perform this, use the precautions of the construction trade, "measure twice and drill once." The casting material is minimal but sufficient to access the ports with a Parker# 169PL-4-10X32 fitting. If you have not utilized this nylon tubing test before, also purchase a 169PL-4-2 and sufficient nylon tubing.

    Bob Warnke is Sonnax Vice President of Technical Development and a member of the SonnaxTascForce®.(技术汽车专业委员会),一批认可的行业技术专家,transmissionrebuilders and Sonnax Industries Inc. technicians.


    While Sonnax makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of technical articles at time of publication, we assume no liability for inaccuracies or for information which may become outdated or obsolete over time.