July 15, 2004

No Lockup for No Reason?


Here’s a real-life example of a problem that came into our shop. A 1998 Chevrolet pickup with a4L60-E由于没有反向的投诉,没有第二和第4档。我们认为这是一个日常工作。事实上,它通常是“肉汁”工作。我们通过扫描代码来开始工作,并找到P1870和P0300。


P0300 is a random engine misfire code. Because we don’t specialize in engine performance, we noted the code on the invoice for reference only. Both P1870 and P0300 are common codes we see quite often.


当我们到达阀门的身体 - 随着我们思想的背面的P1870的想法 - 我们跑了一个湿的空气测试,发现TCC调节器孔磨损,所以我们修理了磨损的孔。

Everything was going fine and the customer called mid-afternoon to check our progress.With the unit ready to go back in, we told him that if everything went well, it would be ready the next day. That gave us plenty of time.


这是快照 - 电影时间。在快照 - 动画上的一个快速的词:我觉得它们是诊断这样的问题的最安全方法。(如果你认为在手机上谈论手机和驾驶是危险的,你应该看看我如何用鼻子摩擦扫描仪的屏幕。)所以我拍了一个快照并将它放在商店的电脑上进行学习数据(见图1)。经过几分钟的数据看,我看到没有理由阻止它施加转换器离合器。节气门位置传感器,制动器,速度,冷却剂温度,RPM和任何其他可能导致VCM不适用转换器离合器的任何其他数据都看起来很好(见图2.)。



我站起来,开始回到商店和noticed TCC engaged. I glanced at the scanner and, sure enough, the TCC Enable went to YES. But all the joy evaporated as I felt a slight engine misfire and the TCC Enable went back to NO. I drove it for about a mile or so and couldn’t get the TCC off to return to TCC on. I pulled over and turned the engine off and scanned for codes.Still no codes。我重新启动了发动机并再次起飞,TCC启用再次又一次,我觉得有点失火,TCC enable回到了。因此,当我开车回商店时,即使扫描仪显示“没有代码”,我也表现出“明确的代码”功能。TCC enable随时立即启动了。现在我真的很困惑。为什么TCC在清除代码后会回来,即使没有报道清除代码?

I got back to the shop and made another tech get behind the wheel. I wasn’t sure if I needed another tech because I was all over the road or if I just wanted someone else to witness this bizarre event.We started the test drive by scanning for codes – again – and no codes were shown. At about 45mph the TCC Enable went to YES and the TCC slip went to 50 rpm or less, until we felt the engine misfire. At that point it seemed as if the VCM recognized the misfire and decided to turn the TCC system off to avoid more misfires. This was done without recording any codes, but the instant I cleared the “ghost codes” that weren’t there, the TCC Enable went to YES until it once again detected a misfire. I backed the scanner up in to the Misfire Graph Mode and looked to verify that what we were feeling was indeed a misfire. It was. But why wasn’t it recording any codes?

After several minutes of test-driving we determined that the software must have been written to turn the TCC off on the first few misfires without reporting and storing a code. If we continued to turn the key off and restart the engine and allowed it to go through the misfire cycle three times, it would report and store a P0300.


Just keep my experience in mind the next time you have a GM vehicle with no lockup for no reason.

Dan Tucker是Tucker在松弱,方舟中传输的所有者。和Sonnax的成员TascForce®.


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