February 23, 2015

JATCO CVT单位追逐轴承噪声


轴承噪声s can be difficult to track down even in familiar transmissions which we work on daily. The advantage of the familiar is that we know how to take these units apart and have a general idea of power flow and overall operation. Plus, we typically have plenty of extra pieces on the shelf should we need them. Bearing noises in the CVT传播更难处理,因为它并不像每天在门口滚动的单位一样熟悉,并且备用CVT碎片几乎不存在。这是在接受CVT修复时创造了一些次要的偏执狂。希望本文将消除有关这些单位的一些担忧,并证明 - 通过合适的工具和一点专有技术 - 可以修复CVT,并成为商店的体面的货币制造商。

For this article we'll reference the JF011E, but all Jatco models are similar when it comes to bearings. The most common abnormal bearing noise concern with these units is related to a rotational whining noise in Forward or Reverse. The noise gets worse as vehicle speed increases — sometimes it may even sound like a differential noise. A pan examination will reveal a magnet with a good amount of steel hair on it, which means there is something “making metal.” This happens when the pulley bearing races become pitted, causing metal flaking. To address the problem, the bearings must be replaced, and that requires unit removal.

Once the transmission is out of the vehicle, remove the valve body so that the ratio control motor and arm can be disconnected from the ratio control motor follower. Next, detach the rear cover and pulley assembly from the case. Once the rear cover is removed, take out the bearing retaining bolts (图1) so the pulley assemblies and belt can be removed from the cover. Wrap two nylon zip-ties around the belt (图2.)在拆除之前防止它分开(不是很好的情况!)。

图1 图2.

图3.shows a close-up of something to be aware of: the arrow on the belt that shows the correct rotation direction. You’ll need this for reference when the belt is reinstalled into the pulley assemblies, because putting the belt on backwards will damage it and the assemblies.




2。The upper puller assembly and threaded bolt are attached to the top of the arms with two bolts and nuts (图4.)。




4.Lift the puller assembly and the secondary pulley out of the cover, then place it inside the primary pulley opening (you may want to put a rag over the primary pulley face to prevent scratching).

图6. 图7.



图9.and10.show the location of the bearings on both the secondary and primary pulley assemblies. There is a primary pulley bearing for the torque converter side and one for the cover side, along with a cover-side secondary pulley bearing. These bearings can be removed with a two-jaw bearing puller or a bearing splitter and puller assembly and pressed back into place with ease. Replacement bearings are readily available in the aftermarket for most CVT units..

图9. 图10.

Reassembly of the pulleys and belt back into the cover is a snap: simply reverse the process we just went through.
你现在可以看到更换JF011E和其他CVTS上的轴承是多么容易,并且一旦您在本机内部,您就会发现其余的传输不是如此可怕。通过一点知识和正确的工具,追逐噪音和修复CVT可以是非常有利可图的 - 即使他们每天都没有滚动门。

Jim Dial是一个Sonnax技术专家。

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